
uniloo-loo 2, 'Soda vs. Pop' show - Rocket World Gallery

image by Rocket World Gallery

The creative & adventurous Patrick Ma, celebrated the opening of his fantastic (and huge) shop space/gallery, with the art opening Pop vs. Soda -- a collection of 2d & 3d works by various illustrators, artists and craft creators moving in the current cute-pop-culture.

I was asked to contribute a piece, and created the second generation of unilooloos -- unilooloo 2. This piece is on a similar plane as unilooloo 1, but made with a tighter grip. The louder, cheeky version of the unilooloo series, thus far. This piece can be unraveled and arranged in various configurations. Bunch it as a bouquet shown here, or wrap it across your chest like a strap of bullets (well -- soft, googly-eyed bullets).

unilooloo 2 is made of mostly recycled materials: calico, chintz, twills, vintage linen & cotton prints, felt tongues, illustrated eye detail and readymade googly-eyes. They wear handmade pompons and satin ribbon; and are lovingly constructed with a wink and a pinch.

>> available to purchase at Rocket World Gallery - $65.00.

image by Rocket World Gallery